What To Do When Your Computer Breaks Down?

Sehrish Iqbal
2 min readNov 30, 2022

So your computer broke down, well that isn’t the bad news itself- because you need to inspect whether it is repairable. After restarting and unplugging, if it doesn’t work, there might be some problem with the hardware that only needs to be fixed by a professional. After receiving the final verdict from the professional that it’s unrepairable, it’s time to buy a new one. But have you wondered what you could do with your old computer?

You can still utilize your broken computer’s parts; For example, you can use its monitor screen as a Raspberry pie, its hard drive to save additional data, etc. You can also donate it to some schools or colleges as goodwill.

Now comes the trickiest part: buying a new computer for yourself. Worry not! You can save money by recycling your broken computer’s parts to buy a new one. The first and most important step is your budget.

Many third-party individuals charge a price to make a new laptop with significantly less cost. You don’t need to be an IT expert to buy a new computer; you can get help from web search engines. You can also search for the hardware quality by checking where the company purchases its components. Many people need to learn that you, as a buyer, can order and choose the products/hardware per your budget.

There are many online stores to help you with your buying guide with ratings and feedback from past customers. It’s about getting what you pay for; if you can afford it, go for the high-quality pricey one, as buying a computer is a long-term investment and undoubtedly one of the most critical decisions.

We wish you all the best in luck purchasing a new computer, but before giving away or selling your computer parts, remember to remove all the data from your hard drive to secure your privacy. Happy shopping!

