The Significance of Obtaining Enough Sleep for New Moms

Sehrish Iqbal
2 min readDec 4, 2023

Parenting is demanding and often exhausting, and adequate sleep is crucial for every parent’s physical, emotional, and cognitive well-being. Did you know according to a survey by the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), women who encountered day-time drowsiness were more prone to various issues, including reported elevated stress levels (80% ), engaging in drowsy driving at least once a month (27 %), reducing the time spent with friends and family (39 %), feeling too exhausted for intimate activities (33%), and arriving late for work (20%).

Are you a worn-out mom tired of their newborn’s tantrums and taking your health and well-being for granted? Well, do not, as sleeping less than 6 hours every night increases the chances of premature death by 12 %. Still baffled? Read on to find the essentiality of having enough sleep for parents, especially new mums.

  • Physical health

Sleep is essential for physical health and allows the woman’s body to repair and rejuvenate. A lack of sleep can weaken your immune system, cause weight gain, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, and make you susceptible to illness.

  • Emotional well-being

Sleep plays a significant role in regulating mood; thus, its deprivation causes irritability, mood swings, and heightened stress, adversely affecting your relationship with your child.

  • Strengthening the parent-child bond

Proper sleep helps parents interact with their children more actively and positively. A rested parent would be more attentive, emotionally available, and patient, strengthening the parent-child bond.

Final Note

Parents must keep good sleep practices and seek professional help from a medical practitioner in case of sleep deprivation. Remember, your health comes first, as only a healthy and fit mom would raise happy and healthy children. Your children need you, so take good care of your health and maintain a healthy lifestyle and regular sleep pattern. We hope our guide helped you understand the cruciality of sleep in everyone’s life, especially new moms. How has sleep deprivation affected your parenting? Let us know in the comments below.

