Digital Marketing Strategy Ideas That Track Users Across the Web

Sehrish Iqbal
5 min readFeb 7, 2024

With 5.35 billion internet users worldwide, it’s inevitable for every business to reach them and observe their behavior. Every company strives to build its online presence through various social media channels, and this plan of action is called a digital marketing strategy. But what makes it crucial for business? A digital marketing strategy boosts business growth by expanding and enhancing the customer’s engagement in the most competitive online fields.

The focal objective of a digital marketing strategy is to increase your online visibility, influence your target audience, and change them into your potential customers. Are you exploring marketing strategies to uplift your business? Look no further; we’ve compiled five futile digital marketing strategies for your business needs.

5 Vital Digital Marketing Strategies to Elevate Your Business Game

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  2. Content Marketing
  3. Email Marketing
  4. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising
  5. Mobile Marketing

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

As per statistics, 3.5 billion searches are performed on Google daily. No matter what your business is, people are always looking for your products and services on Google. But did you know that 91 % of those web pages get no traffic from Google? What does it take for your business to be in the remaining 9 %? Thanks to SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, a process of optimizing your webpage to get “free organic” traffic from search engines like Google.

Using specific algorithms, Google tries to return the most relevant results of your user’s searched query. In the United States, 333.65 million users prefer online shopping, so businesses must create a webpage that matches the searcher’s intent and makes their page worth ranking for Google. Utilizing SEO as a digital marketing strategy boosts organic traffic and enhances user experience.

2. Content Marketing

Businesses use content marketing to connect with potential customers and elevate revenues. A strategy in which you research, create, publish, and promote content to make your customers choose you instead of your competitors. So, instead of bombarding your customers with messages and ads, content marketing educates them with relevant information that is futile for them when deciding.

No wonder research claims that 63 % of consumers review a brand more positively if it creates and publishes valuable, interesting, and relevant content to the searcher’s intent. Content marketing helps your business focus on reaching and engaging with your customers through informational content like blog posts, videos, infographics, etc, and answering their queries.

3. Email Marketing

Businesses use email to communicate personally with their customers to build trust and credibility while creating leads and generating sales, and that marketing strategy is defined as email marketing. It’s beneficial because of its accessibility, which allows you to reach your audience’s email inboxes. What makes email marketing populous is its high rate of return (ROI).

A study suggests that marketers could get $36 in return for every $1 they spend on email marketing. Email marketing is not specifically designed for a particular audience, as it targets potential and prospective customers. Its basic aim is to build brand awareness and an effort to keep your company on top of the consumers’ minds so they think of your brand before making a purchase.

4. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

If you’re struggling to get your name out there and build buzz around your brand and despite trying multiple strategies, you’re still on pins and needles to get on the first page of Google, then try paid advertising. PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click, which means you’re paying for the targeted visits to your website. Hence, you only pay when your ad is clicked, not every time your ad is displayed.

It’s one of the online advertising mediums that lets advertisers place ads on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) on websites, videos, etc. Since 75% of people agreed that paid search advertisements make finding the information they’re looking for easier, that concludes that PPC is a cost-effective paid advertisement method and a fruitful digital marketing strategy.

5. Mobile Marketing

No wonder, with 5.46 billion users worldwide, mobile phones or tablets have permeated every age group, from children to youngsters and the older generation. As per the statistics, 83 % of mobile users saw ads on their mobiles compared to 53% of people who prefer laptops and desktops. Because better ad blockers work for laptops, advertisers reach mobile users with their ads. Today, mobile phones act as multipurpose devices, which people use to shop, play games, search and watch videos, connect to social media, read books and magazines, etc.

This mobile addiction provides ample opportunity for marketing your brand, as it’s very easy to reach customers on a device they use all day. Mobile marketing promotes your brand optimized for smartphones and other mobile devices through social media, apps, and websites. A recent study affirms that mobile marketing is the most prudent digital marketing strategy, given that 52.2 % of the website traffic originates solely from mobile phones.

End Note

Whether you’re looking to generate sales or revenues, digital marketing is the way. Since each business is unique, the chosen digital marketing strategy must be relevant to your specific industry, so creating a one-size-fits-all digital marketing strategy is almost impossible. It’s a long-term process; remember, whatever action you take will take some time to work.

However, the success of your strategy depends upon how you’ve developed and executed them. To ensure your digital marketing strategy works, create content that resonates with your target audience, keep an eye on your competitors and their strategy, and be brave and experimental. Focus on what is successful and control what is not.

